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WORLDWIDE Ukraine Info Baza Bot. Bot searches by:
- Ukrainian phone number
- Full name
- E-mail
- license plates/VIN
- Π„Π”Π ΠŸΠžΠ£
- photo
- nickname
- login
- Facebook, Vkontakte, Instagram.
Most of the data is from Ukraine.
WORLDWIDE Eye of God - seeks by:
- Full name, full name + date of birth
- state number of a car in Russia and Ukraine, VIN of a car
- phone number
- e-mail
- physical address
- nickname / id Telegram
- will show user Telegram chats
- password
- profiles, Facebook, Odnoklassniki
- IP address, domain
- Bitcoin wallet
- a photo of a person, a photo of a car
- to legal entities
- search for people by geolocation.
WORLDWIDE SSB. Smart Search Bot. Bot searches by name, phone number, e-mail, nickname, Vkontakte, ID Telegram, car numbers, photo.
WORLDWIDE Usersbox Bot. Bot searches by phone number, nickname (, Instagram, Skype, Facebook, Twitter), full name, IP address.
WORLDWIDE Quick OSINT Bot. Bot searches by: phone number, e-mail, password, passport, INN, SNILS,, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Livejournal, Linkedin, IP address, domain, Bitcoin wallet address. Also implemented is the search for people by location (geolocation).
China China. The bot searches in Chinese leaked database. In the database:
- QQ / Weibo / LOL accounts
- email addresses
- passwords (plaintext / MD5)
- phone numbers
- credit history
- car owners
- individuals (ID card)
- legal entities
- records about houses, households
China China. The bot searches in Chinese leaked database. In the database:
- QQ / Weibo / LOL accounts
- email addresses
- passwords (plaintext / MD5)
- phone numbers
- credit history
- car owners
- individuals (ID card)
- legal entities
- records about houses, households
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan. Search by IIN/BIN. Telegram bot to check tax debts, fines. Will show TIN, date of birth. On the number of cars + technical passport you can check fines, the expiration date of the inspection.
Russia Russia. AVinfoBot. Bot checks the history of the car by number, license plate of the car, VIN, gives information by name, e-mail, VKontakte page, photos.
Russia Russia. A bot for checking contractors. Search by name, INN, PSRN of the required legal entity or full name, INN, PSRNIP of the individual or individual entrepreneur.
Ukraine UK Free analytical system for business intelligence and counterparty verification based on open data from more than 60 official data sources in Ukraine and the UK.
Ukraine Ukraine. Bot DOSIE @Dosie_bot searches by:
- phone number
- car number
- passport number
- e-mail
- Full name
- photo
- address
- audio record
Ukraine Ukraine. Search by:
1) EDRPOU code, name, address of a legal entity:
- real estate in ownership (share of ownership, documents, arrests, pledge, mortgage)
- status, occupation, place of registration, history, taxes, debts, enforcement proceedings, scheduled inspections
- lawsuits
- date of foundation, authorized capital, owner, director
2) Full name of the person (enter in Ukrainian):
- property
- legal entities registered now or earlier / sole proprietorship
- wanted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs
- alimony
- check for convictions for bribes
- participation in court proceedings
3) INN: - real estate in ownership (share of ownership, documents, arrests, pledge, mortgage)
- checking if there is a FOP (status, occupation, history, taxes)
- check in the register of debtors
- presence of fines for violation of traffic rules
4) passport number:
- validation check
5) number of the court case
6) car or registration number:
- checking registration and vehicle data
- check for arrest and bail
- licenses for transportation
- previous car registrations
- other cars of the owner
- checking the validity of the registration certificate
- by series and registration number it will show VIN, engine displacement, weight

Monitoring of participation in courts, changes in legal entities, fines.


Australia Australia, New South Wales. Unclaimed Money Database. Search by name, address, company name. Will show address.
Australia Australia, ACT. Unclaimed Money Database. Search by name, company name. Will show address.
Australia Australia, Queensland. Unclaimed money database. Search by first name, last name. Will show address.
Australia Australia, WA. Unclaimed Money Database. Search by first name, last name, company name. Will show address.
Australia Australia, SA. Unclaimed Money Database. Search by first name, last name. Will show address.
Belarus Belarus. Search by full name, personal number, TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) of information from the state register of payers - natural persons
Belarus Belarus. Search in the information on state registration of goods. Finds UNP, company name, and product name.
Belarus Belarus. Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs. Search by number, full name, name.
Belarus Belarus. Search by UNP, will show information about issued bank guarantees
Switzerland Liechtenstein Switzerland, Liechtenstein. Search for people and companies in the trade register.
Switzerland Switzerland, canton of Ticino. Search for people and organizations in the trade register.
Czech Republic Czech Republic. Search by first name, last name in the state registry of individuals involved. Finds date of birth, address, ICQ, organizations, collection of documents
Czech Republic Czech Republic. Search the bankruptcy and liquidation registry.
Denmark Denmark. Search by CVR number, business name, address, person. Shows address, phone, mail, dates, managers, founders, copyright holders, accounting and registration history.
Denmark Search by individual or legal entity, phone number, address. Shows phone, location on the map and photo of the house
Denmark Search in legal documents, shows data on the change of residence of a citizen, obituaries and other useful info
Hungary Register of legal entities in Hungary. Search by individuals, company name.
Iceland Iceland. Search for individuals and legal entities.
Italy Italy. Search by name, phone number, address.
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan. Search for unreliable taxpayers. Finds TIN/BIN and TRN.
Netherlands Netherlands. Search by address, individuals and legal entities.
Russia Russia. Search in the register of notices of pledge of movable property. Search by name and surname of a natural person. Search by name, TIN, PSRN of a legal entity.
Russia Russia. Find TIN by full name, passport data. You can specify any date of issue.
Russia Russia. Search the list of information about revocation of powers of attorney.
Russia Russia. Search the registry of heirs by name. Finds region, year of death, full name, notary's address.
Russia Russia. Search for inheritance file by name, date of birth, date of death in the registry.
Tajikistan Tajikistan. Search the registry of individual entrepreneurs.
Ukraine Register of court decisions (Ukraine)
Ukraine Verification of invalid documents (Ukraine)
Ukraine Register of debtors Ukraine
Ukraine Enforcement proceedings (Ukraine)
Ukraine Court cases (Ukraine)
Ukraine Verification of education documents (Ukraine)
Ukraine Catalog of registers (Ukraine)
Ukraine Ukraine. Electronic declarations of officials and deputies.
Ukraine Ukraine. Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Formations.
UK Great Britain. Search for officers by name. Shows date of birth, nationality, companies and their addresses.
USA U.S. Sanctions List
USA USA. Search by first name, last name in the wedding registry.
USA USA. Search by first name, last name in the registry of weddings, children, graduations.
USA USA. Search by first name, last name in the registry of children, infants.
USA USA. Search prisoners by first name, last name. In the database are in custody since 1982.


Japan Japan. Telephone Directory.
Netherlands Netherlands. Phone book. Search for companies, people, reverse phone number search.
Romania Romania. Phone book. Search for individuals and legal entities.
Ukraine Russia Belarus Moldova Latvia Kazakhstan Telephone directories: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Latvia, Kazakhstan. Search by: landline phone number, full name, address.
Ukraine Russia Belarus Moldova Latvia Telephone directories: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Latvia . Search by: landline phone number, full name, address.


WORLDWIDE Leaked database lookup by first name, last name, e-mail, login, username, IP address.
WORLDWIDE Search for an address by first name, last name. Reverse search by address.
WORLDWIDE Search in databases, files, company registers, leaks, investigations
WORLDWIDE Search for a company or individual around the world. Find phone number, address and full name
WORLDWIDE Search for people on LinkedIn, Facebook and other sites. Finds email and phone numbers
WORLDWIDE Search at registers of owners of companies in the EU and the USA. Search by last name, company name, in court decisions and other registers.
WORLDWIDE Search in leaks by: nickname, IP address, e-mail, full name, phone number, password and password hash
WORLDWIDE Search by full name in social networks (VK, Facebook,
WORLDWIDE Service will show what other people searched for in Yandex along with the name
Australia Search by name, phone number, address (Australia)
Bulgaria Bulgaria. Search by full name, you need to specify the city. It will show the address and phone number.
Belarus Belarus. Search by UNP. Shows data on the liquidation of legal entities.
Czech Republic Czech. Directory of individuals and legal entities. Search by address, name, full name.
Germany Luxembourg Australia Poland Switzerland UK Germany, Luxembourg, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, UK. Search by full name, company name. Finds positions, connections.
Germany Germany. Search by full name, will find data from social networks.
Estonia Estonia. Search by:
- individuals (will find the date of birth, legal entities, connections)
- legal entities (will find the address, date of foundation, contacts, licenses, finance, real estate, announcements)
- phone number, fax
- e-mail
- skype
- homepage
France France. Search by first name, last name in the database of officials (managers, executives, presidents, administrators). Finds date of birth, credentials, business.
France France. Search by first name, last name on the service to find old friends and classmates.
Hungary Hungary. Search by:
- phone number
- Name
- company
Finds phone number, full name, residence address.
Kazakhstan Russia Belarus Kyrgyzstan Checking: restrictions on leaving Kazakhstan; register of debtors; information about legal entities
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan. Search by taxpayers, search by TIN, IIN, full name, for individual entrepreneurs, search by name, TIN and IIN / BIN, will find IIN.
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan. Search by IIN will find the full name, date of birth, nationality, part of the registration address, and the first four digits of the phone number
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan. Search by IIN / BIN and TIN data on VAT payers
Netherlands Netherlands. Search the genealogical database.
Norway Norway. Search by name, legal entity, phone number.Show name, location on the map and photo of the house.
Norway Norway. Search by full name of people holding official positions - chairman of the board, board members, CEOs, shareholders, managers. Shows city, year of birth, business and roles in business, connections.
New Zealand New Zealand. Search for companies and people (directors, shareholders).
Russia Search by first name and last name (Russia)
Russia Directory of Russian residents. Find the address by full name or full name by address.
Russia Russia. Restoring access to the State Services portal by e-mail, phone number, passport, TIN, SNILS. Show part of the email address and phone number
Russia Russia. SNILS check.
Russia Russia. Checking the status of self-employed, the date of the decision.
Russia Russia. Check the validity of the TIN.
Russia Russia. Checking the validity of passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation
Russia Russia. Search by UIN. It will show the date of invoicing, what it is assigned to (STS, SNILS, etc.), authority, amount payable, date of payment, and in the http response there is a comment and an address
Russia Russia. Search by UIN. Show a photo of the fine, the name of the violator
Russia Russia. Search by UIN. Will show the date of the fine, address, STS, subdivision, article of the Code of Administrative Offenses
Russia Russia. Driver's license check.
Russia Russia. Driver's license check, search by series plus number and date of issue
Sweden Sweden. Search by address, phone number, individual or legal entity. Finds name, phone number, location on the map and photo of the house.
Sweden Sweden. Search for individuals and legal entities, by phone number, by address, checking credit history (paid).
Sweden Sweden. Search for people and companies. Finds work address, residential address, auto, housing information, phone number, roommates, neighbors.
Turkey Turkey. White, Yellow pages. Search by full name, company name.
Ukraine Free analytical system for business intelligence and counterparty verification based on open data from more than 60 official data sources in Ukraine and the UK.
Ukraine Base of ukrainian people who do not pick up unpaid parcels. Base of unscrupulous buyers. Ukraine.
Search by phone number or surname.
Ukraine Paid search in open databases, registers of Ukraine - debtors, courts, wanted persons, offenses, business, social and professional activities, etc.
Ukraine Ukraine. Verification of the Ukrainian diploma of education.
Ukraine Ukraine. By the number of the vehicle registration certificate, it will show the VIN, registration number and other basic information
Ukraine Ukraine. Checking driver's licenses by their number.
Ukraine Ukraine. Checking the passport by its number among the stolen ones.
USA USA. Paid service. Search by: name, phone number, email, username, address, auto number, IP. In database: address, inmate, arrest Records, lien, asset, marriage records, background Report, mugshot, bankruptcy records, phone, birth, plate, court judgments, police records, court records, property records, criminal records, public records, death records, VIN, divorce records, warrant, driving records, username, e-mail, Deep Web scan.
USA USA. Search by name, phone, address, or email
USA Search for US citizens: residential addresses, phone numbers, e-mails, relatives, and more. There is a search by name, phone number, address and e-mail. Site available only from USA IP address.
USA USA. Search by name or phone number.
USA USA. Search by name, phone, address. Search in the criminal database, will find the address, place of work, phone numbers and show where the person studied in the USA
USA PeekYou collects and combines scattered content from social sites, news sources, homepages, and blog platforms to present comprehensive online identities. Search by nickname or first name, last name. Shows public posts, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Email, and images.
USA Paid service. Collects information about a person from public registries in the United States, and provides a report that contains contact information, city and address of registration, date of birth, information about relatives, court cases, and marriage and divorce records.
USA USA. Search by first name, last name, address, phone number, company name.
USA USA. White, Yellow pages. Search by first name, last name, phone number, address, company name.
USA USA. Search by full name, company name, address. Finds residential address, phone number, age, job, specialty, and more.
USA USA. Search by first and last name in a large number of databases, sources.
USA USA. Search by company name in a database that details connections between influential people and organizations
USA USA. SSN decoding, can show number issue date
USA USA. SSN decoding, can show date of birth and beginning of full name
USA USA. The service is available from a US IP. Search by name, phone number, address. Find address, mail, business, relationships and more.
Vietnam Vietnam. Search by driver's license number and date of birth. Result: rights category, validity period, owner name.
Vietnam Vietnam. Searching by passport number and visa fee receipt number will reveal information about the issued ABTC card.


WORLDWIDE Open source tool for automated information gathering. Searches by phone number, e-mail, IP address, domain, nickname, login, name, crypto wallet. Can be used in the cloud after registration.


WORLDWIDE Myrotvorets
WORLDWIDE List of terrorists, Ukraine
WORLDWIDE Base of terrorists and extremists Russia
Belarus Belarus. Police search database.
Ukraine Security Service of Ukraine
Ukraine National Police of Ukraine


WORLDWIDE Samsung - search by name and date of birth. Shows part of e-mail or phone number


WORLDWIDE Maintained collection of free actionable resources for those conducting OSINT investigations. None of the links below should point to paid software or services, these are for actual OSINT investigations.
WORLDWIDE OSINT Essentials. OSINT links catalog
WORLDWIDE Huge catalog of resources for OSINT in Russian. All links by category.
WORLDWIDE Huge catalog of resources for OSINT in English. All links by category.
WORLDWIDE Bellingcat Online Investigation Toolkit
WORLDWIDE Awesome OSINT. A curated list of amazingly awesome open source intelligence tools and resources.
WORLDWIDE Collections of Tools, Bookmarks, and other guides created to aid in OSINT collection
WORLDWIDE Terrorism & Radicalisation Research Dashboard. This dashboard is a curation of useful links to third party websites, datasets, databases, OSINT tools and more for the study of (online) terrorism and radicalisation.
WORLDWIDE List of some favorite Sourcing, Internet Research, and Social Recruiting Tools and Resources.
WORLDWIDE Research and investigation links


WORLDWIDE Europe. Search for court decisions, rulings with an assigned ECLI identifier
Argentina Argentina. Court Case Search.
Belarus Belarus. Search in the database of court decisions. There is no data validation during registration.
Canada Canada. Search in court cases. Search for criminals.
China China. Court Enforcement Information Publicity. This is a website where you can find all the Chinese individuals and enterprises that are identified as being involved in dishonest business activities by the court. They might be companies that owe loans to workers or people who don’t pay their credit on time. People and companies who have already fulfilled their obligations would no longer appear here. You can add the ID number of your objects by the inquiry to get more accurate results.
Cyprus Cyprus. Search for court decisions.
Japan Japan. Search in court cases.
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan. Search in court cases and acts.
Recommended to search 2 times:
1) fill the surname in the field Π‘Ρ‚ΠΎΡ€ΠΎΠ½Π° 1 (Π’Π°Ρ€Π°ΠΏ 1)
2) fill the surname in the field Π‘Ρ‚ΠΎΡ€ΠΎΠ½Π° 2 (Π’Π°Ρ€Π°ΠΏ 2)
Romania Romania. Search through court documents.
Russia Russia. Search the arbitration case files.
Russia Russia. Search for judicial and regulatory acts.
Russia Russia. Search for court decisions.
Russia Russia. Register of arbitration cases.
Russia Russia. Base of judgments.
Russia Russia. Search for decisions of courts of general jurisdiction.
Turkey Turkey. Search for court decisions.
Ukraine Ukraine. Search in the unified register of court decisions.
USA USA. Search in court cases.
USA USA. Search in court cases.
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan. Search for court decisions.


WORLDWIDE Search engine that searches including ftp servers
China China. Weibo search by full name.
South Korea South Korea. Search for people in the Naver search engine.


  • Replace "Ivanov Ivan" with first name, last name, patronymic (if known).:


WORLDWIDE Find connections between companies, publications and personalities, shows graph, word cloud, locations


WORLDWIDE European Union. Register of debtors and bankrupts.
Austria Austria. Register of debtors and bankrupts.
Belarus Belarus. Search for debtors by full name in the state register of bankruptcy information. Will show phone number, address, e-mail, property.
Belarus Belarus. Register of debts under executive documents. Search by registration number, you need to enter the last name.
Czech Republic Germany Estonia Italy Latvia Netherlands Australia Romania Slovenia Czech Republic, Germany, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Austria, Romania, Slovenia.
Search in the Insolvency register. Find Case ID, Company ID, Date of Birth, Personal ID, Address and Case Status
Czech Republic Czech. Register of debtors and bankrupts.
Estonia Estonia. The official gazette, which contains notices of bankruptcy and much more.
Croatia Croatia. Register of debtors and bankrupts.
Hungary Hungary. Register of debtors and bankrupts.
Luxembourg Luxembourg. Bankruptcy register.
Latvia Latvia. Register of debtors and bankrupts.
Malta Malta. Register of debtors and bankrupts.
Netherlands Netherlands. Register of debtors and bankrupts.
Portugal Portugal. Register of debtors and bankrupts.
Russia Russia. Search for debtors (legal entities and individuals). Will show TIN, SNILS, address of residence.
Russia Russia. Checking debts.
Russia Russia. Search for debts by SNILS, TIN, STS, IP number, VU and passport
Russia Russia. Service finds all debts and detailed information about tax charges.
Slovenia Slovenia. Search for documents and decisions related to bankruptcy.
Slovenia Slovenia. Database provides information on the review of insolvency proceedings.
Slovakia Slovakia. Bankruptcy register.
Ukraine Ukraine. Search by full name in the database of debtors.

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